Varicose and spider veins aren’t always a threat to your health, but they’re a cosmetic concern many would like to address. Our experts at Somerset Surgical Associates, LLC, in Somerville, New Jersey, have extensive experience treating small varicose veins and spider veins with non-surgical treatment and sclerotherapy. 

Our experts tackle the problem of damaged veins by injecting a solution into them, closing them off, and preventing blood from flowing to them. The body redirects the blood towards healthier veins. The damaged veins die off, and the body reabsorbs them over time. 

Read on to learn all about three main benefits of sclerotherapy. 

Easy recovery and minimal side effects 

Sclerotherapy is an outpatient treatment, which means you’ll be able to return to your routine soon after the treatment is complete. 

To reduce the risk of skin sensitivities in the treated area, our experts may recommend for you to use some lotion containing UV protection and avoid hot baths for at least two days. In addition, they may recommend that you wear compression socks to ensure good blood flow to the surrounding healthy veins. 

Side effects are mild. They usually involve some redness and itchiness in the area where you had your injections. 

No stitches or scarring after the treatment 

Our experts deliver the solution into your veins via thin needles, which means you won’t have any scarring or stitches on your legs following the treatment. 

Effective and precise 

Our team of vein doctors use ultrasound technology to guide the solution into precise areas in the veins, ensuring that no healthy veins are damaged in the process, only the problematic ones. 

Within one session, you can expect anywhere between 50% and 80% of the varicose veins and spider veins to be eliminated. Any residual symptoms, such as itchiness, will disappear once your body reabsorbs the veins.

Find out if you’re a good candidate for sclerotherapy 

Good candidates for sclerotherapy don’t have blood clotting disorders, haven’t been pregnant or given birth in the last four months, and are active. Patients who are bedridden aren’t good candidates for sclerotherapy. 

In addition, sclerotherapy may not work well for large varicose veins. Other treatments such as surgery or closing off the veins with heat may be a better fit.

Are you wondering if your problematic veins can be treated without surgery? Contact us to schedule a consultation to find out if sclerotherapy is right for you or book your appointment online.


We accept most insurance providers. If you have specific questions regarding your coverage, please contact us for additional information.

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